Benefits of Custom Cabinets

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At Venzil Granite, we want to help you make your remodeling project as successful as possible, and one of the ways we do that is by providing custom cabinets for your kitchen, bathroom, or other space. In this article, we will go over a few of the benefits that custom cabinets have to offer to encourage you to consider adding them to your design plans.

Benefits of Custom Cabinets

  • Durability- One key benefit of custom cabinets is that they are built from higher quality materials than mass-produced options, and they are made using better construction techniques as well. For example, our custom cabinets are made from solid plywood using dovetail or mortice and tendon joints, while most stock cabinets are made of particleboard and stapled together. Our materials and construction techniques result in a stronger, more durable finished product.
  • Fit- Another advantage of custom cabinets is that they are made to fit the exact dimensions of your room, which means you won’t have any slivers of wasted space left behind. This allows you to get the maximum utility out of the space you have available, which makes custom cabinets an ideal choice for any room that is limited in size.
  • Appearance- A third benefit of custom cabinets is that they offer great design flexibility. Our team can create custom cabinets in just about any color or style you could want, allowing you to create the perfect combination to suit the rest of your décor and achieve the design you have in mind.